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Video Remix

Mashup of a famous Charlie Chaplin speech

It took me quite a while to decide on a topic for this video remix, but I finally landed on the speech my Charlie Chaplin as the focus. I heard it for the first time a couple years ago and thought it was incredibly written and something that is always pertinent. With that as my base point I set out to find appropriate clips to match to it. The idea I wanted to show through the footage was progression. I started with clips around the time of the industrial revolution and tried to match them to the words and feeling of the speech as best as I could. I thought that the old factory footage and WWII clips really spoke of the message that Chaplin was getting at in that part of the speech. It was then I decided to add a song into the mix. After searching through many songs, I finally settled on “I Rise, You Fall.” After a little bit of tweaking, it began to line up really well. The mood of the song enhanced the changing moods of the speech. The rest of the video I continued to show the progression of our race and change the mood into something more positive. This project was really enjoyable and was interesting to enjoy a non traditional form of visual communication.

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